Transaction Type | Frequency and/or Dollar Limits |
Initial Funding Deposit¹
| First transaction, at the time of Account opening:
Minimum $50 for all business types. Note: If the Account remains dormant for three (3) consecutive months with a balance below $200, it may be subject to closure. See Section I (15) for more information. |
Auto Top-up | Per account, per 30 days:
Initial Funding will not count towards the maximum number of ACHs in the 30-day period.
Initial Funding will count towards the maximum total dollar limit in the 30-day period. |
Direct deposit²
| No limit to the number of transactions per day. No maximum dollar limit. |
Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) Transfer initiated from an external financial institution¹ | No limit to the number of transactions per day. Maximum of $500,000 per deposit, per day. |
Card POS Signature/PIN Transactions | No limit to the number of transactions per day. Up to $5,000.00 combined total per day.³ |
Virtual Card⁴ | Limit of one Virtual Card per sole proprietorship Account. For all other Accounts, limit of one Virtual Card per Admin. $5,000.00 per day is the maximum aggregate amount that is available for all Cards and Virtual Cards associated with an Account.³ |
Cash Transfers via GreenDot® ⁵ | Maximum of 4 loads, for a total of $1,500 per day. Maximum of 7 loads, for a total of $3,500 per week. Maximum of 20 loads, for a total of $5,000 per month. Note: Individual GreenDot locations may impose lower limits on cash transfers. |
Incoming Wire Transfer | No limit to the number of incoming wires transfers per day. No maximum dollar limit. |
Mobile Check Deposit | No limit to the number of checks per day. $5.00 minimum check value. $50,000.00 limit per check. $50,000.00 limit per rolling 24-hour period. $50,000.00 limit per rolling 30-day period. |
Physical Check Bill Pay | No limit to the number of physical check bill payments per day. Maximum of $100,000.00 per check. |
Digital Bill Pay | No limit to the number of digital bill payments per day. Maximum of $50,000 per payment. |
Cash Withdrawal (ATM)⁶ | 5 transactions per day. $2,000.00 per transaction; up to $2,000.00 per day. |
ACH Debit’s by a third party (Preauthorized Transfers) | No limit to the number of transactions per day. |
ACH Payments (Initiated from North One Account to an external account) | No limit to the number of transactions per day, up to $50,000.00 per day. Maximum $1,500,000.00 per calendar month. |
Wire transfer (Domestic only) | No limit to the number of wires sent per day. Maximum of $200,000.00 per wire, per calendar day. Maximum $6,000,000 per rolling 30-day period. |
¹ The external account you are transferring from must hold at least $100 and 1.5x the transfer amount, at the time of transfer initiation.
² Direct deposits and ACH transfers: The payee name on any direct deposit(s) or ACH Credit(s) we receive must match the business name on the Account. Any such deposits received in a name other than the name registered to the Account will be returned to the originator.
³ These are the general limits allowed for transactions; however, we may allow you to transact higher volumes than these limits, and we may also lower your limits, in our sole discretion. Please contact us via email at [email protected] or in-app for further information about account limits.
⁴ Where applicable, the same transaction limitations as stated in Section C “Transaction Limits” of the Business Deposit Account Agreement apply to Virtual Cards.
⁵ Cash Transfer limits and fees via GreenDot® are determined by the participating retail partner and may vary by location.
Please Note: ATM deposits are not available.
⁶ ATM Owner-Operators, merchants and participating banks may impose their own fees and lower limits on cash withdrawals.